qjet-mod-stage-2 Quadrajet Modifications Stage 2
Quadrajet Modification Stage 2:
In addition to all the Stage 1 Modifications all Stage 2 Carburetors include:
The Primary and Secondary metering circuits will be calibrated and tuned to match your specific Vehicle, Engine, Drivetrain and use combination.
– Modifications Include –
- Primary jet and metering rods calibrated for cruise mixture, part throttle and acceleration.
- Idle down tube (idle jet) and idle air bleed calibrated for idle quality with aftermarket camshaft.
- Secondary metering rods and hanger calibrated for maximum horsepower and torque at WOT.
PRICE – $400.00
View Compatible Vehicles$400.00
Quadrajet Modification Stage 2:
In addition to all the Stage 1 Modifications all Stage 2 Carburetors include:
The Primary and Secondary metering circuits will be calibrated and tuned to match your specific Vehicle, Engine, Drivetrain and use combination.
– Modifications Include –
- Primary jet and metering rods calibrated for cruise mixture, part throttle and acceleration.
- Idle down tube (idle jet) and idle air bleed calibrated for idle quality with aftermarket camshaft.
- Secondary metering rods and hanger calibrated for maximum horsepower and torque at WOT.
PRICE – $400.00